This study reports on Ghanaian junior high school (JHS) mathematics teachers' use of selected assessment for learning strategies in their mathematics classroom.Many JHS teachers may not be familiar with assessment for learning (AfL) strategies to enhance pupils' learning.This qualitative, intervention research employed an educational design research approach to develop hands-on workshops using Wiliam and Thompson's AfL strategic framework to enhance the capacity of the teachers to implement AfL strategies successfully in their classrooms.Eight JHS1 (Grade 7) teachers were purposively selected from JHS' in urban and rural areas.Multiple data collection strategies (interviews, classroom observation, reflective journals and document analysis) were employed to obtain insight into teachers' AfL knowledge, skills and dispositions towards the implementation of learning strategies.The pre-AfL intervention findings showed that the teachers' knowledge of AfL strategies and skills for implementation were inadequate and demonstrated ineffective and limited use of learning strategies when teaching.