Comparison for 1030nm DBR-tapered diode lasers with 10W central lobe output power and different grating layouts for wavelength stabilization and lateral spatial mode filtering
André Müller,J. Fricke,F. Bugge,G. Erbert,Bernd Sumpf,G. Tränkle,Christof Zink
1030 nm DBR tapered diode lasers with different lateral layouts are presented. The layout comparison includes lasers with straight waveguide and grating, tapered waveguide and straight grating, and straight waveguide and tapered grating. The lasers provide narrowband emission and optical output powers up to 15 W. The highest diffraction-limited central lobe output power of 10.5 W is obtained for lasers with tapered gratings only. Small variations in central lobe output power with RW injection current density also indicate the robustness of that layout. For lasers with tapered waveguides, high RW injection current densities up to 150 A/mm2 have to be applied in order to obtain high central lobe output powers. Lasers with straight waveguide and grating operate best at low RW injection current densities, 50 A/mm2 applied in this study. Using the layout optimizations discussed in this study may help to increase the application potential of DBR tapered diode lasers.