Both Hemibarbus labeo and H. medius (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae: Gobioninae) are primary freshwater fishes and are widely distributed. As such, they provide an ideal model for phylogeographical studies. However, the similarity in morphological characters between these two species made the description of their distributions and the validation of species quite challenging. Here we employed variations in the DNA sequences of mitochondrial COI and ND5 genes (2151 bp) to solve this challenge and to study the population genetics structure of these two species. Among the 130 specimens belonging to 8 populations of H. labeo and 9 populations of H. medius from 17 drainage systems in southern China,196 variable sites (9.1% in the full sequences) falling into 50 haplotypes were identified. The haplotype diversity (h) and the nucleotide diversity (π) were 0.964 and 0.019, respectively, indicating a high level of genetic diversity and an evolutionary potential in both species. The result of neighbor-joining tree based on composite nucleotide sequences of the mtDNA COI and ND5 genes showed that the H. labeo and H. medius fell into two major clades (clade1and clade2): clade1was composed of some specimens of Oujiang River, all the specimens of Hanjiang River and Jiulongjiang River, whereas all remaining populations fell in clade2. The genetic distance between clade I and clade II was 0.036, while that between H. labeo and H. medius was 0.027. The haplotype network analyses indicated that the populations of Hanjiang River and Jiulongjiang River had relatively high genetic variation with the rest rivers. The po-pulations of Hainan Island migrated northward to Moyangjaing River. Haplotypes of the rivers of Hainan Island and Moyangjang River had relatively higher genetic variation with the Yangtze River than Pearl River. The populations of Xiangjiang River had no genetic variation with the populations of Guijiang River and Liujiang River. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated that the genetic variance mainly presented in individuals between geographical regions. The genetic variation of populations among regions was 71.2%, the genetic variation among populations within regions was 16.6%, and that within populations within the regions was 12.2%, indicating that most of the genetic variations resided in the populations among regions. The results of mismatch distribution and tests of neutrality suggested that in all populations, H. labeo, H. medius, clade1and clade2 were relatively stable.唇鱼骨和间鱼骨均为分布较广的初级淡水鱼类,是理想的亲缘地理研究材料;且两者形态特征较为相似,不易鉴别,故两者的分布记述和物种有效性存在争议.为了解我国南部唇鱼骨和间鱼骨的群体遗传结构并探讨两者的物种有效性,本研究对8条水系的唇鱼骨和9条水系的间鱼骨共130尾个体的COI和ND5基因序列片段进行了测定,并对这两个基因的组合序列(2151 bp)进行了分析.结果表明: 在130尾个体的COI和ND5基因组合序列中,共有196个核苷酸变异位点,共检测出50个单倍型,单倍型多样性为0.964,核苷酸多样性为0.019,遗传多样性较高.基于COI和ND5基因组合序列构建的 NJ 树显示,所有种群可分为两支,支系Ⅰ包含了韩江和九龙江的全部单倍型以及瓯江的部分单倍型,余下的单倍型组成了支系Ⅱ.两支系间的遗传距离为0.036,而唇鱼骨与间鱼骨之间的遗传距离为0.027.单倍型网络图表明,韩江、九龙江种群和其他水系种群分化较大;漠阳江种群由海南岛种群扩散而来;海南岛各种群及漠阳江种群的单倍型分支与珠江水系单倍型的分支之间的亲缘关系较近,与长江水系单倍型分支之间的亲缘关系则较远;湘江、桂江和柳江之间的亲缘关系较近.AMOVA分析结果显示,地理区之间的变异约占71.2%,地理区内种群间变异约占16.6%,种群内的变异占12.2%,表明其遗传分化主要来自地理区之间.错配分析及中性检验结果显示,全部种群、唇鱼骨种群、间鱼骨种群、支系Ⅰ和支系Ⅱ在历史上均没有发生过明显的扩张.