Water is a valuable natural resource, which plays a crucial role in ecological survival as well as economic progress. However, the water quality has deteriorated in recent years as a result of urbanization, industrialization and human activities due to the uncontrolled release of industrial wastes, which can be extremely carcinogenic and non-degradable, in air, water and soil bodies. Such wastes showed the presence of organic and inorganic pollutants in high dosages. Heavy metals are the most obstinate contaminants, and they can be harmful because of having a variety of detrimental consequences to the ecosystem. The existing water treatment methods in many situations may not be sustainable or effective because of their high energy requirements and ecological impacts. In this review, state-of-the-art water treatment methods for the elimination of heavy metals with the help of protein nanofibrils are covered featuring a discussion on the strategies and possibilities of developing protein nanofibrils for the active elimination of heavy metals using kitchen waste as well as residues from the cattle, agriculture, and dairy industries. Further, the emphasis has been given to their environmental sustainability and economical aspects are also discussed.