Engineered cementitious composites (ECC) is a durable cementitious material with high tensile ductility and strain-hardening characteristics. Although considered as a cost-effective fiber for ECC, polypropylene (PP) fiber is reportedly difficult to disperse in mortar matrix due to its high aspect ratio and hydrophobicity. In this study, the matrix viscosity of a low-carbon ECC based on limestone calcined clay cement was tailored as a variable to improve PP fiber dispersion under a pre-determined mixing protocol. The effect of matrix viscosity on the composite fresh and hardened properties was investigated experimentally. Results suggested an optimal range of matrix viscosity (10.3–11.5 Pa‧s) favors the composite tensile strength and strain capacity at 28 days. At the optimal state with a 0.1 % viscosity modifying admixture (VMA)-to-binder mass ratio, PP-ECC achieved 7.0 % tensile strain capacity and 3.5 MPa ultimate tensile strength. When matrix viscosity falls outside the desired range, both ultimate tensile strength and strain capacity were diminished. By tailoring the VMA dosage, the matrix viscosity can be adjusted for desired fiber dispersion, workability, and mechanical properties. The findings of this study provide a technical reference for the practical design and application of PP-ECC.