Chern insulators (CIs) or quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) states have drawn more attention, with emergence of quantized Hall conductance but in absence of Landau levels. Here, we study the Haldane-type CI/QAH states on Möbius strips and focus on the quantum transport properties. The Möbius strips can be constructed from the twisted honeycomb-lattice strips with domain walls. Topological properties of the Möbius CI/QAH states can be identified by the local density of states, the real-space Chern numbers and the transport properties. Nearly perfect quantized conductance plateaus are observed in the numerical quantum-transport simulations. In addition, we found that adding magnetic flux in domain walls can induce alternating edge states. At last, we discussed in details the different lead connection schemes, and found that we can use multiple domain walls to obtain various higher quantized conductance plateaus.