At present, there have been large numbers of methane transport pipelines in coal mine in china. Explosion accident is most likely to be triggered if affected by leakage or external fire. In order to improve the suppression effect of single fluid water spray technology, this paper studied the suppression performance of two fluid water mist system on methane/air explosion. A transparent organic glass pipeline was designed for gas explosion, with the dimensions of 0.84 × 0.12 × 0.12 m. A two fluid nozzle was used to suppress methane/air explosion. Then testing was performed on the explosion suppression properties of two fluid water mist system by adjusting the spray time and N2 and CO2 pressure. The explosion suppression effect of the inert gas two fluid water mist was examined by analyzing the methane explosion overpressure and flame propagation speed. The experimental results showed that: when using N2 or CO2 for the driving force, the explosion suppression effect of the inert gas two fluid water mist was significant, and the peak explosion overpressure, average rise rate of pressure rise and peak speed value of the explosion flame were all gradually decreased by extending the spray time. Such as when the spray time was 3 s and the CO2 pressure was 0.4 MPa, the average velocity of the flame decreased by 81.32%, peak explosion overpressure decreased by 51.44%, and average pressure rise rate decreased by 72%.