The ordered mesoporous material Cu–SBA-15 was synthesized under neutral condition via a one-step method that uses hydroxyl radicals instead of inorganic acid. The obtained samples were systematically analyzed by XRD, SEM, TEM, UV–vis DRS, ICP–OES, N2 adsorption, and NH3–TPD. The adsorption and oxidation catalytic properties of SBA-15 were also investigated via the oxidative decolorization of organic dyes as a model reaction. Results illustrated that Cu–SBA-15 has an ordered mesoporous structure with homogeneous pore distribution and acid sites with a Cu/Si molar ratio of 0.034. Cu2+ ions incorporate homogeneously into the framework of the mesoporous silica rather than be at the extra-framework position in the form of CuO nanoparticles. Acetate ions not only accelerate the nucleation and crystallization of mesoporous silica but also contribute to the doping of Cu ions into the SBA-15 framework. Cu–SBA-15 materials exhibit a favorable catalytic activity in the oxidation degradation of organic dyes compared with CuO and Cu ion-exchanged Al–SAB-15.