It was aimed to investigate the compressibility, compactibility, powder flow and tablet disintegration of a new excipient comprising magnesium (Mg) silicate co-processed (5%–85% w/w) onto chitin, microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) and starch as the hydrophilic polymers of interest. Initially, the mechanism of tablet disintegration was studied by measuring water infiltration rate, moisture sorption, swelling capacity and hydration ability. Moreover, the powders compression behavior was carried out by applying Kawakita model of compression analysis in addition to porosity and radial tensile strength measurements. In vitro drug release of compacts made of 400 mg ibuprofen and 300 mg of the hydrophilic polymers containing 30% w/w Mg silicate co-precipitate was investigated in phosphate buffer (pH 7.8). This work demonstrated that the incorporation of Mg silicate to the hydrophilic polymers lead to the improvement of powder flowability, compactibility, stability (with regard to storage conditions), compacts crushing strength, and disintegration time in addition to faster drug release. The overall findings are practically advantageous in the context of finding a low cost and multifunctional co-processed excipient of natural origins.