CrAlN coatings were prepared on Al–Si alloys using filter cathode vacuum arc deposition technique with nitrogen as the reactive gas and Cr25Al75 alloy target as the arc source. The effect of nitrogen pressure on the microstructure, mechanical properties and electrochemical properties of the coatings had been systematically studied. The results showed that the composition, structure and performance of the CrAlN coating depended on the nitrogen pressure. As the nitrogen pressure increased, the Al and Cr content decreased while the N content increased slowly in the coating. Meanwhile, the phase structure gradually changed from AlN phase to CrN phase. The hardness of the CrAlN coating increased significantly with the increase of nitrogen pressure from 0.04 to 0.06 Pa due to the formation of CrN phase and grain refinement. However, further increasing the nitrogen pressure to 0.07 Pa, the hardness was reduced owing to the deterioration of the surface quality caused by target poisoning. Moreover, the adhesion strength of the coating gradually decreases, and the corrosion resistance of the CrAlN coating first increased and then decreased with increasing the nitrogen pressure. The CrAlN coating deposited at a nitrogen pressure of 0.05 Pa had the best corrosion resistance, with the highest polarization resistance, charge transfer resistance and pore resistance, which was related to the combined effect of great compactness and AlN-dominant phase structure in the coating.