The black hole illusion (BHI) is a subtype of spatial disorientation that can result in fatal consequences in aviation. Research on the BHI has generally focused on altitude deviation, and few studies have examined the effect across different flight phases. In a simulation-based experiment, 18 participants performed 12 simulated approach and landing tasks in normal and BHI environments. Flight performance was analyzed with 14 flight parameters and was compared across five points and three phases, which were referenced from a National Transportation Safety Board report and other previous studies. Results showed that multiple flight parameters were significantly impaired and that their influences varied from the initial approach to the final touchdown. In the BHI environment, participants tended to descend aggressively during the approach phase and flew a lower but similar glidepath during the last approach phase. They might have realized the abnormal situation induced by the BHI but usually were unable to recover from the dangerous maneuver in time. Additionally, the result of glide path error, one of the most commonly used variables in previous BHI research, was only significant during the last approach phase. Flight stability was also impaired in the BHI environment. This is the first study to systematically analyze the BHI effects on multiple flight parameters at different flight phases. The use of this experimental paradigm could facilitate future research to evaluate and prevent the BHI in a more comprehensive way.