Abstract Weyl semimetals (WSMs) have attracted great attentions that provide intriguing platforms for exploring fundamental physical phenomena and future topotronics applications. Despite the fact that numerous WSMs are achieved, WSMs with long‐distance distribution of Weyl points (WPs) in given material candidates remain elusive. Here, the emergence of intrinsic ferromagnetic WSMs in BaCrSe 2 with the nontrivial nature explicitly confirmed by the Chern number and Fermi arc surface states analysis is theoretically demonstrated. Remarkably, unlike previous WSMs for which opposite chirality WPs are located very close to each other, the WPs of BaCrSe 2 host a long‐distance distribution, as much as half of the reciprocal space vector, suggesting that the WPs are highly robust and difficult to be annihilated by perturbations. The presented results not only advance the general understanding of magnetic WSMs but also put forward potential applications in topotronics.