Polymer-based magnetoelectric (ME) composites, composed of magnetostrictive and piezoelectric phases, in addition to exhibiting an effective coupling between the magnetic and electric orders of the matter, also offer important advantages for the Internet-of-Things, digitalization, and 4.0 revolution environments: light weight, flexibility, wearability, environmental friendliness, printability, and biocompatibility. Nevertheless, their successful implementation on applications such as sensors, actuators, energy harvesters, biomedical devices and spintronics strongly depends on the increase of its ME voltage response. This work explores, both experimentally and theoretically, the magnetostrictive Ni–Mn-Ga's martensite ‒ austenite phase transformation to shift/tailor/design the ME resonance peak exhibited by Ni–Mn-Ga/P(VDF-TrFE) piezoelectric composites. In the austenite phase, the determined peak value of the ME coefficient of 18.1 V cm−1 Oe−1 was much higher than the value of 6.05 V cm−1 Oe−1 obtained for the martensite phase, whereas the estimated theoretically value of magnetoelastic constant in the austenite is much smaller. The ways of further increase of magnetically induced ME response are also outlined.