Advanced atomic-level heterointerface engineering provides a promising method for the preparation of next-generation catalysts. Traditional carbon-based heterointerface catalytic performance rely heavily on the undetermined defects in complex and demanding preparation processes, rendering it impossible to control the catalytic performance. Here, we present a general method for the controlled growth of metal atom arrays on graphdiyne (GDY/IrCuOx), and we are surprised to find strong heterointerface strains during the growth. We successfully controlled the thickness of GDY to regulate the heterointerface metal atoms and achieved compressive strain at the interface. Experimental and density functional theory calculation results show that the unique incomplete charge transfer between GDY and metal atoms leads to the formation of strong interactions and significant heterointerface compressive strain between GDY and IrCuOx, which results in high oxidation performances with 1000 mA cm–2 at a low overpotential of 283 mV and long-term stability at large current densities in alkaline simulated seawater. We anticipate that this finding will contribute to construction of high-performance heterogeneous interface structures, leading to the development of new generation of GDY-based heterojunction catalysts in the field of catalysis for future promising performance.