A sample size effect which influences the fatigue behaviour of laser powder bed fusion Ti-6Al-4V is identified and quantified. Two cylindrical samples are considered: ∅ 1.3 mm and ∅ 2.0 mm. The larger specimen demonstrates better fatigue resistance particularly in the high-cycle regime, with the differing surface roughness contributing to this effect. It is also confirmed that processing-induced porosity can compromise the fatigue performance even when the initiation sites are surface defects. The larger contribution of porosity to the fatigue fracture process of the larger specimen results in a higher scatter in the fatigue life. Differences in microstructure do not seem to contribute strongly to the variation in fatigue properties of the two specimens, but we present some evidence that the coarser microstructure of the larger specimen promotes a stronger tolerance to defects and induces more tortuous crack paths which hinders fatigue crack growth.