Potential induced degradation of the polarization type (PID-p) can reduce module performance in a relatively short period of time. PID-p can occur at both voltage polarities, but most studies are focused on degradation under a negative bias. This paper uses commercial bifacial passivated emitter and rear contact (PERC) cells within a monofacial glass-backsheet module construction to evaluate the impact of PID-p under a positive bias on the front side. Using the aluminum-foil (Al-foil) method, the module was stressed for PID in an environmental chamber. After the stress, the maximum power (Pmax) showed a decline of 3.1% at 1000 W/m 2 and 6.2% at 200 W/m 2 . Recovery under light was also investigated. Complete recovery was observed at high irradiance, while a partial recovery was seen at lower irradiance. The outcomes of this study can help in understanding PID-p degradation under a positive bias and its recovery under the light.