The pyroelectric effect is used in a wide range of applications such as infrared (IR) detection and thermal energy harvesting, which require the pyroelectric materials to simultaneously have a high pyroelectric coefficient and a low dielectric constant for high figures of merit. However, in conventional proper ferroelectrics, the positive correlation between the pyroelectric coefficient and the dielectric constant imposes an insurmountable challenge in upgrading the figures of merit. Here, we explored superior pyroelectricity in [(CH3)4N][FeCl4] (TMA-FC) and [(CH3)4N][FeCl3Br] (TMA-FCB) molecular ferroelectric plastic crystals, which could decouple this positive correlation due to the nature of improper polarization behavior. Therefore, TMA-FC and TMA-FCB derive a high pyroelectric coefficient and a low dielectric constant simultaneously, yielding record-high figures of merit around room temperature. Furthermore, the favorable plasticity enables ferroelectric crystals to attach surfaces with different shapes for device design and integration. More interestingly, the molecular ferroelectrics could be softened and reshaped at elevated temperatures without decay in pyroelectricity, making them recyclable for cost savings and e-waste reduction. Combined with the facile fabrication process, the findings of this work would open avenues for employing molecular ferroelectric plastic crystals in the manufacture of high-performance pyroelectric devices.