Fracture blister (FB) is a complication of fracture, which damages to the skin integrity and increases the risk of infection. Inflammation plays an important role in the formation and development of FBs, but its specific mechanism is still unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the patterns and dynamic changes of inflammatory cytokines in fracture blister fluid (FBF) and plasma.FBF and plasma were collected simultaneously from patients with lower extremity fractures with FBs on the first and fifth day after blisters formation. 92 inflammation-related protein biomarkers were measured in plasma and FBF using Proximity Extension Assay (PEA). We analyzed the cytokine patterns and their dynamic changes in FBF and plasma. Cytokine patterns in plasma from FB patients, fracture without blister patients, and healthy subjects were also analyzed.The cytokine pattern in FBF and plasma of patients with FBs was different but 11 cytokines were significantly correlated in the two sample types. 23 cytokines were different in plasma across FB patients, fracture without blister patients and healthy subjects. In the analysis of plasma from FB patients and fracture without blister patients, 15 cytokines were significantly different and they may be potential risk factors for the occurrence of FBs. The FBF and plasma showed different cytokine patterns in the early and late stages, with 50 cytokines significantly changed in FBF and 20 cytokines in plasma.The different cytokine patterns in plasma between FB patients and fracture without blisters patients may be the potential factors for the occurrence of blisters. The cytokine patterns in FBF and plasma showed a dynamic change from the inflammatory stage to the proliferative and repair stage, which indicates that FBs may have new clinical importance in addition to being a soft tissue injury.