This study aimed to assess Cd phytoextraction efficiency in well-watered and drought-stressed B. napus plants under current climate (CC, 21/14 °C, 400 ppm CO2) and future climate (FC, 25/18 °C, 800 ppm CO2) conditions. The underlying physiological mechanisms underpinning the obtained results were investigated by studying Cd (1, 10, 50, and 100 mg kg-1) effect on B. napus photosynthetic performance and nutritional status. Only the Cd-50 and Cd-100 treatments caused visible leaf lesions, growth retardation, reductions in both gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence-related parameters, and disturbed mineral nutrient balance. Under CC conditions, well-watered plants were affected more than under FC conditions. The most important pathway by which Cd affected B. napus photosynthetic efficiency in well-watered plants was the damage to both photosystems, lowering photosynthetic electron transport. Meanwhile, non-stomatal and stomatal limitations were responsible for the higher reduction in the photosynthetic rate (Pr) of drought-stressed compared to well-watered plants. The significantly higher shoot dry weight, which had a strong positive relationship with Pr, was the main factor determining significantly higher shoot Cd accumulation in high Cd treatments in well-watered plants under FC conditions, resulting in a 65% (p < 0.05) higher soil Cd removal rate in the Cd-50 treatment.