In addition to the specific characteristics of the teaching-learning process, we have faced and continue to face a number of challenges and constraints in the digital era. A common set of challenges has been and will continue to be, at the end of 2021, the issue of digital competences, which is one of the main focal points (in addition to the provision of a modern high-capacity server backbone) of the new European Digital Agenda for Education (2021–27). The focus of our paper is therefore on the study of digital competences among teachers. In Hungary, the adapted frameworks based on the central EU Recommendation were published in 2019 and 2020, the first of which was the digital competence framework for teachers based on DigCompEdu. The digital skills and ICT attitudes of teachers play a key role in digital education. In this article, we present the results of a snow-ball sampling based pilot questionnaire administered to practising teachers in addition to a description and overview of the theoretical framework. Our research questionnaire consisted of 34 items, with N=112 respondents providing a scored response to our survey. The questionnaire survey consisted of a total of six sections, and we intend to use the responses and results obtained in our further research, seeking answers to the main research questions.