Blueberries are the most popular small berries, in order to solve the problem of unbalanced blueberry resources in different regions of China. In this study, 18 blueberries were analyzed by chromatography and mass spectrometry for 9 soil elements, 6 anthocyanins, 7 phenolic acids, 9 organic acids, and 12 flavonoids. The result showed that blueberry physico-chemical indicators were significantly variable across production regions by Wenn and volcano maps, chlorogenic acid, ascorbic acid, citric acid, catechin were the main antioxidant active components, soil pH was significantly correlated with low content of anthocyanins and organic acids, soil elements were not significantly correlated with fruits antioxidant activity by the network correlation analysis. Cluster analysis and principal component analysis classified the antioxidant activity and fruit quality: represented by YNorthland, SNorthland, JSharpblue. It provides theoretical support for screening high quality blueberries and promoting the development of blueberry industry.