Flexible sensors have developed rapidly due to their great application potential in the intelligent era. However, the frequent bending work requirements pose a serious challenge to the mechanical reliability of flexible sensors. Herein, a strategy of using a new multielectrode layout to achieve multiple sensing signals based on one external signal is proposed for the first time to improve the reliability of flexible piezoresistive sensors. The multielectrode layout consists of a pair of interdigital electrodes and a bottom electrode. The interdigitated electrodes are used to sense the change in the surface resistance of the sensor, and the interdigital electrodes and the bottom electrode are used to sense the change in the bulk resistance of the sensor. As a result, without increasing the sensing unit area, the electrode layout allows the sensor to generate three response electrical signals when sensing an external pressure, thus improving the reliability of the sensor. Based on the electrode layout, a highly reliable flexible piezoresistive sensor with a multilevel porous structure is obtained by a microwave foaming method with a template. In the working state of sensing surface resistance, the sensor has a 22.12 kPa–1 sensitivity. Meanwhile, in the working state of sensing bulk resistance, the sensor shows a 55.17 kPa–1 sensitivity. Furthermore, the sensor is applied to monitor human pulse and speech signals, demonstrating its multisignal output characteristics and potential applications in flexible electronics. In conclusion, the new strategy of using the proposed electrode layout to improve the reliability of flexible sensors is expected to greatly promote the practical application of flexible electronics.