The innate immune system serves as the first line of host defense. Transforming growth factor-β-activated kinase 1 (TAK1) is a key regulator of innate immunity, cell survival, and cellular homeostasis. Because of its importance in immunity, several pathogens have evolved to carry TAK1 inhibitors. In response, hosts have evolved to sense TAK1 inhibition and induce robust lytic cell death, PANoptosis, mediated by the RIPK1-PANoptosome. PANoptosis is a unique innate immune inflammatory lytic cell death pathway initiated by an innate immune sensor and driven by caspases and RIPKs. While PANoptosis can be beneficial to clear pathogens, excess activation is linked to pathology. Therefore, understanding the molecular mechanisms regulating TAK1 inhibitor (TAK1i)-induced PANoptosis is central to our understanding of RIPK1 in health and disease.