Packet routing algorithms such as OSPF have long been used to manage the transmission of packets over the internet. In this research paper we have explored the possibilities of using one such shortest path routing technique, Dijkstra's Algorithm, to let a car move autonomously along a mesh of interconnected roads, while choosing the least cost path. The cost of each road is defined with respect to its length, as well as road conditions such as potholes, wet roads, accidents etc. In essence, we are demonstrating a prototype model of an autonomous car, where the passenger uses a Single board computer (SBC) to indicate the start position of the car and the desired destination. These values are then transmitted wirelessly to a central command unit that computes the fastest route between them using Dijkstra's Algorithm and further directs the car to move along that path. This is a direct implication of the DSRC (Direct Short Range Communication Protocol) which is being deployed of vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communication.