Lilium 'Siberia' is a perennial herbaceous plant that is commercially significant because of its snowy white floral color and appealing scent which is mainly due to the presence of monoterpenes and benzoids compounds in floral volatile profile. In the current study, LoTPS5 was cloned and functionally characterized. Results revealed that LoTPS5 specifically generates squalene from FPP, whereas no product was produced when it was incubated with GPP or GGPP. The subcellular localization experiment showed that LoTPS5 was located in plastids. Furthermore, LoTPS5 showed its high expression in the leaf followed by petals and sepals of the flower. Moreover, the expression of LoTPS5 gradually increased from the bud stage and peak at the full-bloom stage. Besides, LoTPS5 showed a diurnal circadian rhythmic pattern with a peak in the afternoon (16:00) followed by deep night (24:00) and morning (8:00), respectively. LoTPS5 is highly responsive to mechanical wounding by rapidly elevating its mRNA transcript level. The current study will provide significant information for future studies of terpenoid and squalene biosynthesis in Lilium 'Siberia'.