Abstract Intelligent development is an inevitable choice for the green development of manufacturing enterprises, environmental regulations and green innovation play an important role in the intelligent development of manufacturing enterprises. By analyzing the interrelationships between environmental regulations, green innovation, environmental dynamism and the intelligent upgrading of manufacturing enterprises, this paper builds a model of the impact of environmental regulations on the intelligent upgrading of manufacturing enterprises. Taking the listed Chinese manufacturing enterprises that implement intelligent upgrades as the survey object, the concept model was verified. The results of the study show that environmental regulations, green innovation have a significant positive effect on intelligent upgrading of manufacturing enterprises. Furthermore, it reveals that green innovation plays a partially mediating role in the relationship between environmental regulations and the intelligent upgrading of manufacturing enterprises. Environmental dynamism have a positive adjustment effect between green innovation and the intelligent upgrading of manufacturing enterprises. The conclusion of the study deepens the relevant research on the intelligent upgrade of manufacturing enterprises, and provides theoretical basis and reference for the intelligent development of manufacturing enterprises.