Objective: To determine whether aging is associated with significant alterations in the polar and neutral lipid profiles in human meibomian gland secretions.Methods: Meibomian gland secretions were collected from both eyes of younger and older men and women.Samples were processed for high-performance liquid chromatography or mass spectrometry and for the analysis of associated spectra of fragment ions.Subjects also underwent slitlamp evaluations of the eyelid.Results: Aging is associated with numerous significant alterations in the lipid profiles of human meibomian gland secretions.Analysis of polar and neutral lipid patterns identified ions that were significantly different in secretions of younger vs older men and women, as well as ions that varied significantly only between men and women.Correlation coefficients within, but not between, groups were high.Agingwasaccompaniedbyincreasedopacityofmeibomiangland secretions and by eyelid and eyelid margin changes. Conclusion:Aging is associated with significant sexrelated alterations in the polar and neutral lipid profiles of human meibomian gland secretions. Clinical Relevance:The observed changes may contribute to the age-related increase in the prevalence of dry eye syndromes.