Although poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) is an unusually ductile polymer, it undergoes an abrupt ductile-brittle transition at modest impact velocities. No previous explanation for this behavior has been found after an extensive literature search. In this paper, we examine the role of a pressure-induced phase transition in PTFE in the dynamic failure of Taylor cylinder samples. There is a known phase transition in PTFE with a marked decrease in volume and compressibility that occurs at 0.5–0.65GPa at 21°C, with the transition pressure inversely related to temperature. Varying the temperature of the samples in the experiment revealed that the phase transition is probably involved in sample failure because the ductile/brittle transition velocity increased for decreasing temperature, despite the material fracture toughness decreasing. Additionally, Taylor tests were carried out on samples of poly(chlorotrifluoroethylene) PCTFE to investigate the behavior of a similar material to PTFE but without a pressure-induced phase transition. PCTFE did not exhibit an abrupt ductile to brittle transition.