Abstract One of the key areas of modern information technology is the area of programming. Programming is the creation of various programs. If earlier it was, for the most part, about writing programs for the interaction of a user and a computer, today the applied field of programming is no longer limited to anything. These are programs for portable gadgets, medical equipment, space nanotechnology, and so on. Within the framework of this research, the work will focus on web development and specifically - on the development of a web application. This direction is quite popular, since the Internet segment has played a key role in human life. Whether it’s a government-owned company, a private enterprise, or a personal blog, having a website or application is a kind of business card. A web application is a client-server interaction model using browser software. In terms of their structure and logic of work, web applications often resemble the most common desktop solutions, but with one condition - such applications are always launched and executed in the browser.