Highly open metallic nanoframes represent an emerging class of new nanostructures for advanced catalytic applications due to their fancy outline and largely increased accessible surface area. However, to date, the creation of bimetallic nanoframes with tunable structure remains a challenge. Herein, we develop a simple yet efficient chemical method that allows the preparation of highly composition segregated Pt–Ni nanocrystals with controllable shape and high yield. The selective use of dodecyltrimethylammonium chloride (DTAC) and control of oleylamine (OM)/oleic acid (OA) ratio are critical to the controllable creation of highly composition segregated Pt–Ni nanocrystals. While DTAC mediates the compositional anisotropic growth, the OM/OA ratio controls the shapes of the obtained highly composition segregated Pt–Ni nanocrystals. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on composition segregated tetrahexahedral Pt–Ni NCs. Importantly, by simply treating the highly composition segregated Pt–Ni nanocrystals with acetic acid overnight, those solid Pt–Ni nanocrystals can be readily transformed into highly open Pt–Ni nanoframes with hardly changed shape and size. The resulting highly open Pt–Ni nanoframes are high-performance electrocatalysts for both oxygen reduction reaction and alcohol oxidations, which are far better than those of commercial Pt/C catalyst. Our results reported herein suggest that enhanced catalysts can be developed by engineering the structure/composition of the nanocrystals.