The dosimetric leaf gap (DLG) is an important parameter to be measured for dynamic beam delivery of modern linacs, like the Varian Truebeam (TB). The clinical effects of DLG-values on IMRT and/or VMAT commissioning of two “matched” TB linacs will be presented.Methods and Materials: The DLG values on two TB linacs were measured for all energy modalities (filtered and FFF-modes) as part of the dynamic delivery mode commissioning (IMRT and/or VMAT. After the standard beam data was modeled in eclipse treatment planning system (TPS) and validated, IMRT validation was performed based on TG1191 benchmark, IROC Head-Neck (H&N) phantom and sample of clinical cases, all measured on both linacs. Although there was a single-set of data entered in the TPS, a noticeable difference was observed for the DLG-values between the linacs. The TG119, IROC phantom and selected patient plans were furnished with DLG-values of TB1 for both linacs and the delivery was performed on both TB linacs for comparison.
The DLG values of TB1 was first used for both linacs to perform the testing comparisons. The QA comparison of TG119 plans revealed a great dependence of the results to the DLG-values used for the linac for all energy modalities studied, especially when moving from 3%/3mm to 2%/2mm γ-analysis.
The DLG-values have a definite influence on the dynamic dose, delivery that increases with the plan complexity. We recommend that the measured DLG-values are assigned to each of the “matched” linacs, even if a single set of beam data describes multiple linacs. The user should perform a detail test of the dynamic delivery of each linac based on end-to-end benchmark suites like TG119 and IROC phantoms.1Ezzel G., et al., “IMRT commissioning: Multiple institution planning and dosimetry comparisons, a report from AAPM Task Group 119.” Med. Phys. 36:5359–5373 (2009).
partly supported by CAMC Cancer Center and Alliance Oncology