We report on both the electrical and thermoelectric transport properties as a function of temperature in poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene) (PEDOT)–poly(styrene sulfonate) conducting polymers for a wide range of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) additives. Whereas an insulating-like electrical behavior is found over the whole temperature range, a metallic-like thermopower is mainly observed. We show that the resistivity appears to be governed by a three-dimensional variable range hopping mechanism due to disordered regions with a decreasing localization temperature T0 and an increasing scaling factor ρ0 as a function of the DMSO ratio. The correlation between T0 and ρ0 demonstrates that they are both controlled by the localization length ξ0, which is strongly enhanced by the DMSO in agreement with the morphological evolution of the PEDOT chains with the additive. On the other hand, the high-T positive metallic-like thermopower seems rather unaffected by the additive in contrast to its low-T counterpart, which appears negative below a characteristic temperature Tswitch. By showing that the latter is closely related to the localization temperature, we propose to ascribe this sign switch to the thermoelectric contribution originating from disordered regions, which competes with the metallic ones due to ordered domains. While still controlled by the localization temperature, this negative contribution appears to be consistent with a phonon-drag component with a scaling behavior as T0T−3. These analyses allow us to discuss the overall temperature dependent thermoelectric properties in a consistent way by considering a heterogeneous structure with both ordered and disordered domains. By relating explicitly the electrical resistivity to the thermopower, our results do not only reconcile these transport coefficients, but they also provide a unified picture of the properties of the conducting polymers.