Abstract A strong polarization electric field (PEF) in III‐nitride semiconductors has adverse effects on the performance of III‐N light‐emitting diodes (LEDs). However, to reduce the PEF of III‐N LEDs based on the polar plane ( c ‐plane) remains a big challenge. Here, a weak PEF blue LED on c ‐plane GaN with an InGaN/AlGaN superlattices (SLs) quantum barrier and InGaN quantum well grown by metal‐organic chemical vapor deposition is proposed. The InGaN/SLs multiple quantum wells (MQWs) show a significant reduction of PEF compared with traditional InGaN/GaN MQWs. A low electric field of 0.5 MV cm −1 is obtained, which is confirmed by power‐dependent photoluminescence (PL) and time‐resolved PL measurements. The proposed LEDs with InGaN/AlGaN SLs barriers present a low efficiency droop, a great wavelength stability, and a high −3 dB E‐O modulation bandwidth up to 1.01 GHz. This work demonstrates the role of InGaN/AlGaN SLs barriers in reducing the PEF of III‐N LEDs and provides a feasible technical route to achieve the weak PEF LEDs on c ‐plane, which can be expanded and applied to the preparation of high‐performance, long wavelength, and deep UV III‐N LEDs.