Recent advances in the use of ultrasound in Crohn’s disease
Alberto Barchi,Ferdinando D’Amico,Alessandra Zilli,Federica Furfaro,Tommaso Lorenzo Parigi,Gionata Fiorino,Laurent Peyrin‐Biroulet,Silvio Danese,Arianna Dal Buono,Mariangela Allocca
A clear consensus exists on the role of IUS for the assessment and monitoring of Crohn's disease (CD) in the 'treat-to-target' strategy.IUS is an accurate tool for the management of CD. It is noninvasive and well tolerated. IUS has good-to-optimal inter-operator reliability either for assessing disease activity or for evaluating treatment response, especially combining Bowel Wall Thickness (BWT) and Color Doppler Signals (CDS). IUS is able to evaluate transmural remission (TR), the ultimate goal of the 'treat-to-target' strategy. Several studies confirmed its accuracy in the assessment of the post-operative recurrence (POR). Thanks to recent advances in trans-perineal ultrasound technique (TPUS), it allows to characterize peri-anal disease and its complications. Small intestine contrast ultrasound (SICUS) and contrast-enhancement ultrasound (CEUS) may improve IUS performance, particularly in stricturing or penetrating CD. Ultrasound elastography (USE) is raising interest for its accuracy in differentiating CD phenotypes (fibrotic versus inflamed).IUS is a pivotal step in the management of CD, in early assessment as in therapeutic monitoring, with advantages of evaluating transmural response. Development and validation of novel ultrasound biomarkers of activity and fibrosis, especially those linked to advanced ultrasound techniques, are expected in the coming years.