Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases collection on autoantibodies in the rheumatic diseases: new insights into pathogenesis and the development of novel biomarkers
The rheumatic diseases are a diverse group of conditions that can display autoantibody production, functional immune disturbances and systemic disease manifestations. These autoantibodies can serve as markers for classification, diagnosis, prognosis and disease activity. Among specificities prominently expressed by patients, those directed to nuclear antigens (antinuclear antibodies or ANAs) are markers for specific rheumatic diseases. ANAs can bind to DNA, RNA and complexes of proteins with nucleic acids. Other autoantibodies expressed in the rheumatic diseases are directed to proteins, including IgG, post-translational modifications of proteins and soluble mediators such as cytokines. While autoantibodies have been investigated for over 50 years, recent studies published in the