The black-boned silky fowl (BSF) muscle protein hydrolysate was gained by alcalase. The hydrolysate could stimulate MC3T3-E1 cell proliferation, as well as enhance alkaline phosphatas (ALP) activity and deposits of minerals. After isolation and purification, 55 peptide sequences with Mascot score over 40 were identified. Combined with molecular docking simulation and molecular dynamics analysis, two novel peptides (PASTGAAK and PGPPGTPF) were identified with the lowest binding energy of −4.99 kcal/mol and −3.07 kcal/mol with receptor BMPR1A of BMP-2/Smad pathway, showing the ability to increase BMPR1A stability. Moreover, both PASTGAAK and PGPPGTPF revealed strong anti-osteoporosis activities in the zebrafish model induced by dexamethasone. Additionally, the identified peptides could be beneficial for the differentiation of MC3T3-E1 cell for upregulating the expression of some osteoblast-related genes and proteins by stimulating BMP-2/Smad pathway. Overall, the two newly identified peptides could be the potential candidate to prevent osteoporosis.