Bump problems at the bridge approach cause riding discomfort and result in safety issue to the road users. The Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil-Integrated Bridge System (GRS-IBS) is a recent bridge approach construction system that connects the bridge deck and roadways without joints and bearings, thus capable to eliminate the bump problems. This system is gaining popularity for low to medium bridge construction due to its relatively faster, lower cost, and simple construction process. The GRS abutment is a composite geotechnical structure with internally supported reinforcement. A close spacing reinforcement of 0.2–0.3 m in between the compacted granular backfill of high shear resistance has improved the bearing capacity of the GRS abutment, hence capable to support the bridge loads directly. In this paper, a thematic literature review on the bump problems and GRS-IBS system is presented. Summaries of previous studies are tabulated and discussed, inclusive of case studies, physical models, numerical models, and key factors affecting the performance of GRS-IBS. Limitations posed to this system are also provided at the end of this article. The review and summary of this paper are expected to provide meaningful information to the readers.