Influence of high pressure pasteurization on nutritional, functional and rheological characteristics of fruit and vegetable juices and purees-an updated review
Modern consumers have been paying attention to safe, nutritious, and minimally processed foods with fresh-like quality attributes. Fruits and vegetable products are the storehouses of bioactive components, macro and micronutrients, and dietary fiber.Health-promoting bioactive compounds can a key role in the prevention of many chronic diseases. This review examined the impact of high pressure pasteurization on various bioactive and functional components in fruits and vegetable products and highlighted future research needs. The mechanism of degrading various functional components with high pressure was evaluated by critically examining research published over the past decade. Findings have suggested that HPP is a promising technique for the retention of micronutrients and macronutrients while ensuring the microbial safety of the treated products. Pressure pasteurization treatment had minimal impact on fruits and vegetables various functional components including flavonoids, non-flavonoids, anthocyanins, carotenoids, and vitamins. Pressure treatment modifies the structure of proteins, sugars, and dietary fibers. Improved insights on underlying high pressure mechanisms on nutrient retention will pave the way for upscaling for improved quality of the food product. Consumers benefit from the availability of novel fruits and vegetable products.