René Adam,Céline Piedvache,L. Chiche,Jean Philippe Adam,Ephrem Salamé,Petru Bucur,Daniel Cherqui,Olivier Scatton,Victoire Granger,Michel Ducreux,Umberto Cillo,François Cauchy,Jean‐Yves Mabrut,Chris Verslype,Laurent Coubeau,Jean Hardwigsen,Emmanuel Boleslawski,Fabrice Muscari,Heithem Jeddou,Denis Pezet,Bruno Heyd,Valério Lucidi,Karen Geboes,Jan Lerut,Pietro Majno,Lamiae Grimaldi,Françis Lévi,M. Lewin,Maximiliano Gelli
Despite the increasing efficacy of chemotherapy, permanently unresectable colorectal liver metastases are associated with poor long-term survival. We aimed to assess whether liver transplantation plus chemotherapy could improve overall survival.