The removal of arsenic (As(V) and As(III)) from contaminated water has attracted great attention. However, the generation of arsenic-containing hazardous waste by traditional methods has become an inevitable environmental problem. Herein, a UV/sulfite advanced reduction method was proposed to remove As(V) and As(III) from aqueous solution in the form of valuable elemental arsenic (As(0)), thus avoiding the generation of arsenic-containing hazardous waste. The results showed that greater than 99.9% of As(V) and As(III) were reduced to the high purity As(0) (> 99.5 wt%) with the residual arsenic concentration below 10 μg L-1. The hydrated electrons (eaq-), H• and SO3•- radicals are generated by the UV/sulfite process, of which eaq- and H• serve as reductants of As(V) and As(III) while the SO3•- radicals inhibit arsenic reduction by oxidizing arsenic. The effective quantum efficiency (Φ) for the formation of As(0) in the As(V) and As(III) removal process is approximately 0.0078 and 0.0055 mol/Einstein, respectively. The reduction of arsenic is favorable under alkaline conditions (pH > 9.0) due to the higher photolysis efficiency of SO32- than HSO3- (pKa = 7.2) and higher stability of eaq-/H• under alkaline conditions. The presence of dissolved oxygen (O2), NO2-, NO3-, CO32-, PO43- and humic acid (HA) inhibited arsenic reduction through light blocking or eaq-/H• scavenging effects while Cl-, SO42-, Ca2+ and Mg2+ had negligible effects on arsenic reduction. The proposed method can effectively remove and recover arsenic from contaminated water at a low cost, demonstrating feasibility for practical application. This study provides a novel technology for the reductive removal and recovery of arsenic from contaminated water.