Objective: To establish the nutrition literacy core items for older people in China. Methods: The framework system and preliminary items of nutrition literacy were established through literature review and experts consultation. Content validity test was used to determine the nutrition literacy items. Seven experts in the field of human nutrition, health education and nutrition and diseases were invited to score the importance of each nutrition literacy item via Email. The judgment basis and familiarity of expertstowards the items, active coefficient, and content validitywere evaluated and analyzed to generate the final list of nutritionliteracy items. Results: A total of 85.7% (6/7) of questionnaires in two rounds were collected.The active coefficient of experts was satisfied and the authority coefficient was 0.96. In the content validity evaluation, the correlation I-CVI value of each item was above 0.90 and theκvalue was above 0.74. The evaluation result was excellent. After the second round of consultation, all selected items met the inclusion criteria. We identified the final list of nutrition literacy items consisting of three scales (knowledge and concepts, lifestyles and dietary behaviors, and basic skills), twelve subscales (reasonable nutrition, healthy weight, environment of dining, food classification, nutrition and disease, eat regularly, balanced diet, exercise health, information getting, household food measurement, reading nutrition label and calculating, and food safety)with 20 items in total. Conclusions: The framework system and core items of nutrition literacy are established for Chinese older people based on the content validity evaluation. The experts involved in the consultation process present a performance with good representativeness, enthusiasm and authority, and the content validity evaluation result is satisfied.目的: 建立中国老年人群营养素养核心条目。 方法: 通过文献检索和专家讨论,确定中国老年人群营养素养的框架体系,并初步制定营养素养的条目清单,采用内容效度检验法确定老年人群营养素养核心条目内容,邀请7名人群营养、健康教育、营养与疾病等领域的专家,采用邮件的方式发放咨询问卷7份,要求专家对各个素养条目的重要性进行评分;并对专家的判断依据及对条目内容的熟悉程度进行评价,分析专家积极程度、权威程度以及内容效度评价结果,并最终确定入选条目。 结果: 两轮咨询问卷的回收率为85.7%(6/7),专家积极性好;专家的权威程度为0.96;内容效度检验中,各条目相关性内容效度指数均≥0.90,kappa值均>0.74,评价水平均达到优秀。第2轮咨询结束后,条目均在纳入标准范围内,最终入选3个维度(基本知识与理念、生活方式与饮食行为、基本技能)和12个主题(合理营养、健康体重、就餐环境、食物分类、营养与疾病、规律进餐、平衡膳食、运动健康、获取信息、家庭食物估量、阅读营养标签和计算、食品安全),共计20个条目。 结论: 通过内容效度检验建立中国老年人群营养素养核心条目,入选专家代表性好,积极性、权威程度高,内容效度评价结果好,均达到了相关要求。.