Higher manganese silicide (HMS) alloys have a complex band structure with multiple valleys close to the conduction and valence band edges, which complicates the analysis of their electronic transport properties. We present a semi-classical two-band model that can describe the charge carrier and phonon transport properties of p-type HMS in crystalline and bulk nanostructured forms. The effect of grain boundaries is modeled with an interface potential scattering for charge carriers and diffusive and refractive scattering for phonons. A unique set of effective masses and acoustic phonon deformation potentials are introduced that can explain both electrical and thermal transport properties versus temperature. The acoustic phonon and ionized impurity scatterings for charge carriers and phonon-phonon, point defect, and electronphonon scattering mechanisms for phonons are included in the model. The simplicity of the presented model would be valuable especially for practical purposes. The thermoelectric transport properties of nanostructured HMS were calculated versus grain size and it was shown that even though bulk nanostructuring of HMS enhances thermoelectric performance, it is not sufficient to enhance considerably the figure-of-merit.