This work introduces a fast and pioneering method to synthesize mixed metal oxides (MMO) anodes using a CO2 laser as the only heating source. For comparison purposes, ruthenium-iridium MMO (RuxIr1–xO2, x = 0.9 or 0.5) anodes were prepared by laser, as well as by conventional heating. The laser-prepared anodes were heated at a power density of 0.22 W/mm2 with a dwell time of 13 min. This procedure was repeated 4 times achieving a mass density of 1.2 mg cm–2, corresponding to a nominal thickness around 2–3 μm. Using these conditions, the total laser-procedure 1 h, which is remarkably faster compared with conventional process using an electric furnace as this can last for several hours. The laser-prepared anodes presented electrochemical active surface area and stability 1.9 and 1.6 times, respectively, larger than those prepared by conventional heating. Furthermore, among the prepared anodes, the laser Ti/Ru0.9Ir0.1O2 showed the highest electrocatalytic activity while laser Ti/Ru0.5Ir0.5O2 was the most stable. Finally, this report opens up the opportunity to employ the laser energy as a potential heat source for the synthesis of high quality MMO anodes with modulated properties.