Abstract Dual-comb spectroscopy (DCS) has revolutionized optical spectroscopy by providing broadband spectral measurements with unprecedented resolution and fast response. Photothermal spectroscopy (PTS) with a pump-probe configuration offers a highly sensitive gas sensing method, which is normally performed using a single-wavelength pump laser. The merging of PTS with DCS may enable a spectroscopic method by taking advantage of both technologies, which has never been studied yet. Here, we report dual-comb photothermal spectroscopy (DC-PTS) by passing dual combs and a probe laser through a gas-filled anti-resonant hollow-core fiber, where the generated multi-heterodyne modulation of the refractive index is sensitively detected by an in-line interferometer. As an example, we have measured photothermal spectra of acetylene over 1 THz, showing a good agreement with the spectral database. Our proposed DC-PTS provides opportunities for broadband gas sensing with super-fine resolution and high sensitivity, as well as with a small sample volume and compact configuration.