Computer-aided estimation of kinetic rate constant for degradation of volatile organic compounds by hydroxyl radical: An improved model using quantum chemical and norm descriptors
The kinetic rate constant of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) degradation represents an important parameter, which is valuable for evaluating the removal efficiency and ecological risk of pollutants. In this study, the multiple-linear-regression method using quantum chemical and norm descriptors is utilized to develop a room-temperature quantitative structure–property relationships (QSPR) model for kinetic rate constant estimation. The correlation coefficient (R2) and root-mean-square error (RMSE) are 0.8918 and 0.4086 for the training set, as well as 0.9096 and 0.3901 for the test set, respectively, which suggests the as-developed model has good stability and predictability. Applicability domain analysis demonstrates that the model is reliable and generalizable for assessing the −logkOH of VOCs covering a wide variety of molecular structures. In addition, an external prediction is made to assess the degradation rate constants of nine hydrofluoroethers, which implies the predictability of the model. It is worth noting that the quantum mechanical parameters, i.e., natural population analysis and orbital energy for atoms are introduced to norm descriptors, which expands the number/type of norm descriptors and greatly improves the accuracy of the model. Such combinational quantum chemical and norm descriptors are expected to be used for building accurate and robust models for other chemical properties prediction.