The photoluminescence (PL) spectra were employed to study the optical centers generated by the B ion irradiation in Ib diamond. The luminescent spectra with zero phonon lines (ZPLs) centered at 573, 575.8, 637.9, 390.8 nm and the most of the vibronic bands in vicinity of the ZPLs were detected using 532 and 325 nm lasers. The function of spot scan, surface scan and depth scan of Renishaw micro-Raman spectrometers were performed to understand spatial distribution of the resulting high density optical centers at 80 K. Through the spatial distribution of 575.8 and 637.9 nm optical centers, it was found that it's more advantageous to form 575.8 nm optical centers for high density nitrogen diamond irradiated by B ion and subsequent annealing. Based on the principle of electrical neutrality and the degree of lattice distortion, it was proposed that a possible defect evolution process of the B-related optical center.