This study explores hydrogels based on the physical interaction between soluble pectin and chitosan nanogels. A simple technique for creating chitosan nanogels of controllable size was developed based on a two-step process: physical cross-linking with tripolyphosphate (TPP) and chemical cross-linking with genipin. The particles were stable at acidic pH, which allowed hydrogel formation. Thixotropy experiments demonstrated that the concentration but not the size of the nanogels strongly affected the gel shear modulus. The influence of the post-assembly conditions, including exposure to monovalent salts (NaCl, NaI, and NaF) and pH (2.5 or 5.5), on the gel swelling and mechanical properties was studied. Small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) results provide evidence that these physical hydrogels are indeed a cross-linked network. These experiments provided insights into the influence of hydrogen bonds and electrostatic interactions on the gel network.