Portal vein thrombosis (PVT) is a frequent consequence of cirrhosis and its management is variable and controversial. Herein we highlight interventional treatment options and outcomes, together with mention of the physiology, presentation and imaging of PVT. Utilization of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) for acute and chronic PVT is expanding. In acute PVT, TIPS improves hepatopetal flow which promotes thrombus resorption and prevents rethrombosis. The TIPS also functions as a conduit for thrombectomy devices and allows for embolization of variceal shunts. Chronic PVT is a relative contraindication to liver transplant. Portal vein recanalization (PVR) TIPS restores flow in a previously occluded portal vein, allowing for a conventional end-to-end portal vein anastomosis at transplant. PVR TIPS is technically demanding and often requires percutaneous splenic vein access for portal venous recanalization. Selection of endovascular PVT treatment varies with the age (acute or chronic) and the extent of thrombus, along with presenting symptoms and transplant candidacy.