Miguel Belaunzaran,Shahm Raslan,Aleeza Ali,Kevin Newsome,Mark McKenney,Adel Elkbuli
Shock is a sequelae in trauma and burn patients that substantially increases the risk for morbidity and mortality. The use of resuscitation endpoints allows for improved management of these patients, with the potential to prevent further morbidity/mortality. We conducted a review of the current literature on the efficacy of hemodynamic, metabolic, and regional resuscitation endpoints for use in trauma and burn patients. Hemodynamic endpoints included mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), urinary output (UO), compensatory reserve index (CRI), intrathoracic blood volume, and stroke volume variation (SVV). Metabolic endpoints measure cellular responses to decreased oxygen delivery and include serum lactic acid (LA), base deficit (BD), bicarbonate, anion gap, apparent strong ion difference, and serum pH. Mean arterial pressure, HR, UO, and LA are the most established markers of trauma and burn resuscitation. The evidence suggests LA is a superior metabolic endpoint marker. Newer resuscitation endpoint technologies such as point-of-care ultrasound (PoCUS), thromboelastography (TEG), and rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM) may improve patient outcomes; however, additional research is needed to establish the efficacy in trauma and burn patients. The endpoints discussed have situational strengths and weaknesses and no single universal resuscitation endpoint has yet emerged. This review may increase knowledge and aid in guideline development. We recommend clinicians continue to integrate multiple endpoints with emphasis on MAP, HR, UO, LA, and BD. Future investigation should aim to standardize endpoints for each clinical presentation. The search for universal and novel resuscitation parameters in trauma and burns should also continue.