Dual-comb spectroscopy has emerged as an attractive spectroscopic tool for high-speed, high-resolution, and high-sensitivity broadband spectroscopy. It exhibits certain advantages when compared to the conventional Fourier-transform spectroscopy. However, the high cost of the conventional system, which is based on two mode-locked lasers and a complex servo system with a common single-frequency laser, limits the applicability of the dual-comb spectroscopy system. In this study, we overcame this problem with a bidirectional dual-comb fiber laser that generates two high-coherence ultra-broadband frequency combs with slightly different repetition rates (frep). The two direct outputs from the single-laser cavity displayed broad spectra of > 50 nm; moreover, an excessively small difference in the repetition rate (< 1.5 Hz) was achieved with high relative stability, owing to passive common-mode noise cancellation. With this slight difference in the repetition rate, the applicable optical spectral bandwidth in dual-comb spectroscopy could attain ~479 THz (~3,888 nm). In addition, we successfully generated high-coherence ultra-broadband frequency combs via nonlinear spectral broadening and detected high signal-to-noise-ratio carrier-envelope offset frequency (fCEO) beat signals using the self-referencing technique. We also demonstrated the high relative stability between the two fCEO beat signals and tunability. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of fCEO detection and frequency measurement using a self-referencing technique for a dual-comb fiber laser. The developed high-coherence ultra-broadband dual-comb fiber laser with capability of fCEO detection is likely to be a highly effective tool in practical, high-sensitivity, ultra-broadband applications.